Website of Washington DC's Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4D, serving Petworth and Brightwood

About Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4D

ANC 4D’s current commissioners are:

Advisory Neighborhood Commissions are non-partisan, neighborhood bodies made up of locally elected representatives who are their neighborhood’s official voice in advising the District government and Federal agencies on matters that affect their neighborhoods, including zoning, streets, recreation, education, social services, sanitation, planning, safety, budget, and health services. Commissions also play a key role in connecting residents with government services. 

ANC 4D consists of eight commissioners, who are elected every two years to represent single member districts 4D01 – 4D08. The role of an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner is a volunteer role. To view recordings of past ANC 4D Meetings, please visit our YouTube Channel.

ANC 4D typically holds monthly executive meetings on the first Wednesday of the month. These are internal administrative meetings, where the Commission does not take any official actions, and meets to plan the next public meeting. Please contact a Commissioner if you would like to attend one of our executive meetings. The date for our next executive meeting in 2025 is January 7, at 6:30pm.